Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cavetime with Dr. BroMan


I just wanted to give a shout out to Dr. Jeff Voth ,(Dr. BroMan as we have so lovingly nicknamed him). I encourage everyone to check this guy out ! He has some awesome fathering wisdom to share to the men of our generation , and has been a great encouragement to this blog idea . He is one of my professors and I always walk away from his class with a new zeal for pursuing God completely and learning to ask myself why.  Check out his blog page and buy the book and sound track ! I promise you, it is worth it !!!!!!!!

       Blog :
   Web page :

Thanks Dr. Voth for your support !




 (or Harvest Holidays.. whatevs)

   X Jessica 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Creep: A One-Sided Love Story

So you probably know me, and if you don't know me, I know you probably have that one friend that over analyzes and over thinks every movement made. There's always that one girl that falls head over heels for a guy she's never met. The one that fantasizes about how perfect life could be if only he KNEW me. Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, that girl is me. Needless to say, many would address my title as a "creeper".

 I prefer to call it "an overly invested amount of admiration that gets carried away into day dreams from time to time".



Now the questions are... 

  • How can I avoid being "Led On"?
  • How can I prevent over-thinking the situation at hand? 

  •               SIDE NOTE: Now, I'm not going to lie, I am the Queen of Random Land. Sometimes, I know exactly how articulate what I wish to express. At other times, I speak as if I am a squirrel with the hiccups (and I will apologize in advance if my writing style is equally spastic).

     Now, recently I have come to realize this truth (Granted, this is after 1 month of obsessing) But the key to not obsessing over someone or something, is to not even attach yourself. Now, this sounds harsh. Like, I am not saying to break out your brick and mortar and create a wall between you and this individual, but instead I am saying, "Take a Chill Pill". They are human too! Please, erase any preconceived ideas of what this person is like.  They are not your prince charming, superhero, or supermodel.   They are human. Its as simple as that. Close your eyes and Breathe.  If you never put yourself in a position of helplessness, then you will never need rescuing. You will never feel that desperate plea to impress anyone. You can only be "led on" if you allow yourself to follow that individual. If you base your worth, goals, and emotions on the opinions of your special interest, YOU will never be satisfied. There is only one who can give your self-worth, and that's the Lord. God created you on purpose- for a purpose! So find your standards, priorities, and confidence. Remember, that YOU lead your own life, so take the initiative to find out the details from the beginning! Lay out a foundation. Take the lead in the relationship yourself, but most importantly: BE YOURSELF!

    Now, I am sure there will be plenty of stories, scenarios, and soap operas to come. I know +Chloe   knows ALL of my internal conflicts and hilarious encounters of the male kind, but those shall be saved till later. 
    Until then, 
    Be Yourself and be only slightly creepy.
    'Cause thats what makes you- You! 
    Au revoir!!!

    Monday, October 28, 2013

    In the Beginning


    For some people finding that one perfect soul mate is just a walk in the park, full of sunshine, butterflies and puppy dogs. But for some of us it's the journey from the Shire to the Mount Doom, just to cast that which is most precious to us into the fires of Mordor. We meet friends on this trip but they leave and ultimately bite our finger off out of jealously.  Now before you call me a Debbie Downer hear me out. Yes I believe in true love, that love is beautiful and that everyone deserves to be love and be loved in return. ..... However when you are continuously surrounded by lover and people who are googoo about each other , its enough to make a 20 year old curvy blonde actress singer, Throw up ! . I often ask myself "why don't guys look at me like that ", "why did he ditch me " "whats wrong with me " #foreveralone .  It took me a while to realize that its no me .... yes its not my problem because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME ! And for those of you who say" yeah but" , no there is no "but" too it . As you read this you are need to stop and name 5 good things about yourself .....go ahead try it !

    Good now know that you are beautiful and that you have to love yourself ! Your self worth does not come from men or women . You may be Frodo, but even though he lost a finger in the end he found happiness. I found that the more you want the perfect relationship and the harder you look for it the farther away it gets until you are so consumed with finding your man/woman , that person could walk by and you wouldn't even know .... or you scare them off with you obsession. (the latter happens more often then you think.)  Men are confusing and send mixed signals ,and girls well we aren't any better. A guy friend of mine described conversations with women as "8 layers of sarcasm, under a rock of irony, hidden under a bush of non-verbal communication , on a  plateau of feminine intuition". Men and women need to learn how to communicate without offense or invoking the friend zone . The pressure of relationships and marriage is enough to drive you crazy, but you don't have to search or drown in self pity .  Live you life and love who you can , but be ready because I have some great stories about my and my friends dating lives that will help you see that you are not alone in the struggle .

    Stay Single Stay Strong !

    XOXO Chloe