Tuesday, January 14, 2014

If it's supposed to be it will be ....


My first post of 2014 is something near and dear to my heart. I hope your Christmas season was as good and eventful as mine. Some great things transpired and then some not so nice things transpired, nevertheless it was refreshing.

I think everyone has heard the phrase "Well if it's supposed to be it will be".  This statement never makes me feel better about my situations. This phrase can be used for any situation, whether is be a new job , buying a home, naming children, walking your dog...ANYTHING ! But the one application of this phrase that makes me furious is when it is applied to relationships. Yes, I know that there is truth to it, but it doesn't make anyone feel better. It is the "safe" advice to give someone. I would rather you say to me ,"No, he must not like you " or " Yep , your a loser , He will never text you again ", than " Well if it is supposed to be..... " .

*Stepping off Soap Box*

I urge you to think before you give advice. Listen to someone's story before you write them off with a generic response. Sometimes, there are even events that are not meant to happen.  In love, warn your friend if you sense danger in an area of their actions. Encourage the paths that will bring life and peace, not anxiety. God's grace will give you peace when trying to decipher His path for your life.  Help guard one another from pain and confusion.  The words you speak over others can bring life and death (James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.)
 It would mean more to someone if you were to actually give them advice and support, that will up lift them, and give them hope.  Friends think before you speak . Listen to the Holy Spirit, He may give you words of comfort to those who need it . When speaking about relationships, Empathize do not Sympathize. Empathy is a better tool to use. Relate with the person; tell them stories of how your situation " , can be a true statement , just think before you say it and do not let it be the only thing you say to someone.

  And Please do not comfort me with this phrase !!!!


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