Friday, January 24, 2014

We'll Never Be Royals?

So I am sure you have heard the song "Royals" by Lorde. If not, you have obviously been living under a rock like a deaf snail.  So Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O'Conner has some killer vocal chords, right? But what are we so melodically singing about, and speaking into our lives, that we'll never be "royal"?

Now the song is ultimately singing about the day in and day out of a teenagers life. She relates by singing about her humble beginnings.  But the simple life that she sings of seems empty, and uninspiring.


Now, because she is singing of being the humble underdog in a socialite scene, it feels like she's taking a stand against materialism and snobbery. Its hard to think that anyone can stay humble during their course through fame.
But what I'm trying to say is ... Who tells us we'll never be royals?

  N     O           O    N    E.
In fact,  if Jesus is your Lord and Saviour, You actually are royal! You are a precious child in the Kingdom of God. You are His prince, his princess. You are entitled to authority of your life. Pursue the dreams that the Lord has placed in your heart. Because through Christ anything is possible. Now all you need is vision... because " without vision my people will perish" (Proverbs 29:18) With out vision, you follow anything that crosses your path. Tunnel Vision...  Hey! It's not a bad thing! You find your goals, and you follow them! The journey to your true desires will never be easy. If you're like me, and are still trying to find God's plan for your life, its okay to live day to day.  Live in faith that God will bring you to the right place, right time, and right people. He will guide your steps when you don't know where  to go. ( Proverbs 3: 5-6) Don't lean on your own understanding, but trust with your whole heart that God will direct and make your path straight.

So, go ahead and be royal if you want to... because you already are!  Don't just live a complacent life, going through the motions, wishing for the world to change. Don't just search for your next self-fulfilling buzz. If you want to make something of yourself, if you want to make a difference in this world, if you want to live like royalty in this world, just do it. Do the work it takes to be amazing.

Follow your path
Follow your vision
Do it.


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