Friday, February 7, 2014


During this past week, my town was hit by a unforeseen wonderland. I believe it was a gift from God to remember His beauty and creation. Sunday morning, I walked out my dorm into a winter's dream. I knew there was a city behind the fog. I knew there was homework and tasks waiting for me in my room, but on that morning began to roam the field that looked like heaven. The picture above shows what I saw on that morning. I added the poem by Robert Frost. ( I realize that I repeated the poem over again, but I think it adds to it. teehee.)  I believe it helped explain my feeling of being tired of the daily routines or the everlasting "job-stopper". It shows the appreciation of stopping to smell the roses.  So, that morning I stopped to taste the snow.

Stay focused on the important things in life, and take time to enjoy them.

With love,


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