Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To crush or not to crush ?


You know that feeling, that one you get in the bottom of your stomach that flutters up and makes you feel like you are going pass out. This friends, is a disease that is spreading through the country like wild fire. If you get it, then goodbye friend, you life will be consumed with one thing and one thing only... the crush.
Yes, I know that its not a disease but having a crush can take over your whole life. You skip meals due to the fear of having them see you eat. Learning there daily schedule is a must, because you have to be able to place yourself strategically in their daily life in hopes that they will look at you or
say hello. And lets not forget about the stalking , yes stalking. You know everything about them from who they dated last to what their mother does for a living. Its hard to even be around them with out sweating, it can be 3 degrees out side and you are sweating like a sinner in church.

I want to pose a question to you all. What if you have this crush because there is something missing inside of you?

I had a conversation the other day with my counselor about relationships, love, and crushes. It was eye opening, I never thought that a crush could really be about you. That it could really be something much deeper and more internal. She prompted me to list the thing I liked about the crush. I named off , calming, ambitions, easy to talk to, respects my mind, and that he is like an anchor, grounding me. She proceeded that by saying you cant help the physical attraction, it will just happen. But when you begin to be drawn to someone you have to ask,"do I like them or do I like the way I feel around them?"
Sometimes we are drawn to someone because they fulfill an emotional need. When an area of our lives is lacking, we seek what we think can fill the emotional void. Most of us find Johnny or Sally to give us a temporary fix.
As I began to meditate on these things.  I realized that instead of looking for satisfaction in some
some boy, I should be seeking God to fill that emotional void inside me. For He is the one who can fill the empty unloved feelings that come over us. God makes us strong , strong enough to wait. He has created that perfect mate for each one of us. Running around saying "Is it this one Lord" is not how God intended it. His word says, "Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:2-4. 

Friends there is hope and perseverance through God. He is in control and I pray your Boaz's and Ruth's come swift and in the right season.


Chloe,The Date Apologist 

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