Thursday, November 21, 2013

This My Brain... This is My Brain During Finals.

Hello! Long time, No see!!!!!

I am pretty sure that's because its coming to the close of our semester here at university....
 That means

1. I'm almost to T H A N K S G I V I N G Break!!!

Doin' the most.

2. After a relaxing break full of thankfulness, food, and Black Friday shopping...
I will wake up the next day and realize....
     F I N A LS 


  And by act I mean try to get as much Bonus Points to go to my economics class as I can. 


Wait... Wut? 

3. So in attempts to make right all my wrong doings.... I shall stay up to the wee hours of the night studying...

And by studying I really mean....

4. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting distracted by all the beautiful things around me...
 Things like this..... 



Ultimately, I'm not going to stress out that much about the semester coming to a close....
Okay... So maybe I will feel a little like this...
Yah.. I don't understand it either... But..

  Don't be surprised if you see me in the same sweatshirt multiple times, running off coffee, and glued to my laptop doing research.. and/ or crying because its not Christmas yet...

The light at the end of the tunnel is my last point...

[and by "Winter" I mean the Holidays... (and "Holidays" I mean Christmas)]
May it snow like small angels falling from the sky

May the force be with you during the end of this year....


P.S. If you happen to see me passed out in public.... Leave me... I probably really need the sleep. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

1000 page views !!!!

What this is crazy 1000 page views ! This is awesome !!!!

Thanks to all our viewers !!!!
You are all ....

XOXO The Date Apologist !!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mystic Crystal Revelations


The future ,  its seems just so ....Distant . Sometimes I find myself stuck a rut . This rut can be a black pit of despair with no hope of ever getting out . 

As a college student, this dark rut happens to me multiple times during the year . It starts with just a small feeling , that "why am I?" thought, then it grows into a festering sore of self doubt and pity. Ultimately, this  over-stimulation of feeling will stress you out and can cause you to be reluctant to better yourself.

BUT WAIT !!!!!!! THERE IS HOPE , YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS ! You feeling like this is okay, because there is something you can do about it. Trust me, I have been in this place of insanity and this is how I keep from losing my mind .  

Here's something to try , instead of wallowing in self pity-doubt , place your self in a situation where you can show off what your good at .

 For example , I am a singer and I am studying classical voice. However, my heart belongs to Musical Theatre ! I love musicals and I have a vast knowledge of them. Being in shows and singing the songs from musicals truly makes me happy . I never realized that it was okay to pursue something that made me that happy , until this weekend . I got the chance to take a 2 hour Broadway belt lesson and well ..... not to brag ... I killed it ! 

And in that teacher was impressed ! He loved my voice and gave me tricks to be better . That moment I crawled out of the not good enough pit and began to believe that maybe I could do it . If I work hard and practice that I could make it in something I love with all my heart . 

Friends , you have to learn how to believe in yourselves . In believing that you are good at something , that thing becomes an anchor you can hold on to . It will keep you sane and keep out of that dark place . So go find something that lights a fire under you butt and find that Purpose ! I believe in you, and remember to believe in yourself ! 
Who knows you may be a star , or just a really good math teacher :) 

XOXO , Chloe 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Don't Care


Please enjoy this song that explains my feelings right now. 

 I keep loosing my phone... Great. I think I'm getting sick??? 
 I could care less if I don't do my hair...The fire alarm went off 
this morning, and I totally slept 
through it....

 I could have died....? Nah...

There's a book report due soon? Oh well.. there's the
weekend for that.. I've ripped my 2nd pair of pants in the
same week???? Hah!

I obviously have been going insane with the amount
of work I've been doing.... So insane I can't focus...
 That's why I'm blogging.

    And thats A-okay with me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rose Colored Glasses

Ignorance was bliss
-Chuck Palahniuk,
It's time to be honest with ourselves. How many times have we thought of an idea and just let it run away with us?  Sometimes we lie to ourselves that we actually do know what the future holds.  Ultimately, we don't.  We don't know the thoughts of the person next to us. We don't know how things would have ended if we had chosen differently. We just don't know what the future holds. That's why we need something constant.

We hold dear the consistency of  B L I S S.  Its a beautiful word. Rhymes with kiss. It assures us that we don't have a care in the world. Although when we live in bliss, we only see what we wish to see in life.. Is it really okay to envision a naive purity? We turn blind eyes to the bones in the closet. We open the door, grab our jacket, and shut the closet door once again.  We live in monotony.  When we look through rose colored glasses, we only see life in one color and only one perspective.  When we take time to take off our shades, we will see the depth and fullness that life has to offer. We will see the color and vibrancy of our environment, but also we will see the truth and pain that our world is in.  As Christians we need to stop living in a world that we think is perfect. We can't always keep turning the other cheek. 
The world in rose colored glasses
I believe that if we realize the beguilement that is being presented to us, we won't be seeing the same rose complected attitude we did before. We need to learn to stand up for our beliefs. Let's not settle for what we see in the world. I am tired of people complaining that the world is so horrible, and yet they don't take the time to make a difference. Next time you pass by a person, think deeper than the out layer. Think deeper than the roses covering their eyes. Take off your glasses and look into their life. Pray that the Lord humbles you to see deeper than their superficial shell. Look past the beautiful and lavish materials, and ask them what their soul needs. Not every one is as perfect as you might think. We need to change the Constant in our lives from ignorance to into living our life for the Lord intentionally. Yes, we don't know what the future holds, but if we are led daily by the will of God, we can capture the vision and heart that God has for His people. So take off those rose colored glasses, and find something to live for.


Art by Nan Lawson

Monday, November 4, 2013

Go Make Me A Sandwich !


What men need from women? ....  thats a scary statement ! As women I doubt we are ever told the answer . We always just assume that men want simple things like , video games , food, and physical attention.  Have you ever thought that maybe men need emotional support just like us women ? That just maybe in order for a man to be the protector and provider , he needs to be uplifted and not nagged?
I'm not saying that men are always right and when they make mistakes that these mistakes should just be accepted. But when a mistake (possibly one in which you predicted the outcome) causes your man , brother , or father to fall on his face , don't laugh at him , don't insult his masculinity .

Ladies I hate to break it to you but if you were expecting your man to be Prince Charming , you are wrong . He doesn't exists, he's not running late or stuck in a tree someplace . And the longer you wait on your "prince charming" , the harder the dating game becomes . Men are not perfect (just like women) and when we except this concept , we can begin to take off the relationship blinders . Girls some advice on how to interact with men ..... Number 1 DO NOT lead a guy on !!!! this is probably  the worst thing you could possibly do to a guy . #2 Understand that woman have this power over mens hearts that if used in the wrong manipulative way can scare a man . #3 Dress Beautifully not Stimulating , if you get attention from a man because of the way you are dressing, then I suggest you rethink your outfit . And lastly #4 watch the way you interact with them physically and verbally . Something as simple as a touch on the arm or a hug that lasts too long can easily lead a man on .  Women out there I know this is a lot to digest , but remember that you are made in the image of God. God doesn't make trash so don't act like trash.

Now Men have have a little bit of advice for you , because we women confuse you all it seems. So number 1, Take it easy , stop being so aggressive in you pursuit of a lady . Women want to feel safe and this type of aggression is a turn off.  #2 Learn how to be our friends (simple boys you can do it ! ) #3 No sexual thoughts , its another thing thing that fuels the obsessive aggression and women just want to feel safe . Lastly, study us learn what we like and dislike , what makes us happy and sad , and how to be our best friends .

Love is real , stay positive and know that I and God love you for who you are .

XOXO Chloe

Friday, November 1, 2013

Missing the Beat

Boom boom boom. It's all happening. It feels as if everyone I know is boarding the relationship train while I am here living in a shack in Singlesville (where National Singles Day is everyday!). 
Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I'm missing the beat. 
No person who is single likes to talk about why they are single. There are some things that single people need to know though: There is nothing wrong with you. It's starts by looking up rather than looking around.
Before you think I'm crazy, lemme esplain. Looking around for a relationship for the wrong intention is dangerous, not only to you but to the other person as well. Looking around for a relationship just because everyone else is in a relationship (classic high school move) is plain crazy but it happens. Some go too far into this direction and not only miss the beat but create a whole other chromatic dilemma. 

I've had my experiences with relationships and I got to say, I've missed the beat completely on them. I was looking around rather than up. Look up to God instead. You're breathing for a reason. You're living for a purpose. God created relationships for good, not to use or borrow. 

If you're interested in someone, hey that's awesome. It's normal to develop feelings. What isn't normal is how we abuse them. I've seen way too many friends destroyed from abusing relationships.

God never intended for man to be alone, so there's always hope. Even Singlesville has sunshine during the day, with occasional cast of depressionisticdespairwithsomeforeveralone. 
Nobody is perfect and what they seem to be but that's the beauty of forming a relationship, whether that be as friendship or more. So give it time. Time is essential to everything in life. Time is rhythmic. And if you miss the right moment, you end up missing the beat. 

Your truly,
Gina Candy