Monday, November 11, 2013

Mystic Crystal Revelations


The future ,  its seems just so ....Distant . Sometimes I find myself stuck a rut . This rut can be a black pit of despair with no hope of ever getting out . 

As a college student, this dark rut happens to me multiple times during the year . It starts with just a small feeling , that "why am I?" thought, then it grows into a festering sore of self doubt and pity. Ultimately, this  over-stimulation of feeling will stress you out and can cause you to be reluctant to better yourself.

BUT WAIT !!!!!!! THERE IS HOPE , YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS ! You feeling like this is okay, because there is something you can do about it. Trust me, I have been in this place of insanity and this is how I keep from losing my mind .  

Here's something to try , instead of wallowing in self pity-doubt , place your self in a situation where you can show off what your good at .

 For example , I am a singer and I am studying classical voice. However, my heart belongs to Musical Theatre ! I love musicals and I have a vast knowledge of them. Being in shows and singing the songs from musicals truly makes me happy . I never realized that it was okay to pursue something that made me that happy , until this weekend . I got the chance to take a 2 hour Broadway belt lesson and well ..... not to brag ... I killed it ! 

And in that teacher was impressed ! He loved my voice and gave me tricks to be better . That moment I crawled out of the not good enough pit and began to believe that maybe I could do it . If I work hard and practice that I could make it in something I love with all my heart . 

Friends , you have to learn how to believe in yourselves . In believing that you are good at something , that thing becomes an anchor you can hold on to . It will keep you sane and keep out of that dark place . So go find something that lights a fire under you butt and find that Purpose ! I believe in you, and remember to believe in yourself ! 
Who knows you may be a star , or just a really good math teacher :) 

XOXO , Chloe 

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