Monday, November 4, 2013

Go Make Me A Sandwich !


What men need from women? ....  thats a scary statement ! As women I doubt we are ever told the answer . We always just assume that men want simple things like , video games , food, and physical attention.  Have you ever thought that maybe men need emotional support just like us women ? That just maybe in order for a man to be the protector and provider , he needs to be uplifted and not nagged?
I'm not saying that men are always right and when they make mistakes that these mistakes should just be accepted. But when a mistake (possibly one in which you predicted the outcome) causes your man , brother , or father to fall on his face , don't laugh at him , don't insult his masculinity .

Ladies I hate to break it to you but if you were expecting your man to be Prince Charming , you are wrong . He doesn't exists, he's not running late or stuck in a tree someplace . And the longer you wait on your "prince charming" , the harder the dating game becomes . Men are not perfect (just like women) and when we except this concept , we can begin to take off the relationship blinders . Girls some advice on how to interact with men ..... Number 1 DO NOT lead a guy on !!!! this is probably  the worst thing you could possibly do to a guy . #2 Understand that woman have this power over mens hearts that if used in the wrong manipulative way can scare a man . #3 Dress Beautifully not Stimulating , if you get attention from a man because of the way you are dressing, then I suggest you rethink your outfit . And lastly #4 watch the way you interact with them physically and verbally . Something as simple as a touch on the arm or a hug that lasts too long can easily lead a man on .  Women out there I know this is a lot to digest , but remember that you are made in the image of God. God doesn't make trash so don't act like trash.

Now Men have have a little bit of advice for you , because we women confuse you all it seems. So number 1, Take it easy , stop being so aggressive in you pursuit of a lady . Women want to feel safe and this type of aggression is a turn off.  #2 Learn how to be our friends (simple boys you can do it ! ) #3 No sexual thoughts , its another thing thing that fuels the obsessive aggression and women just want to feel safe . Lastly, study us learn what we like and dislike , what makes us happy and sad , and how to be our best friends .

Love is real , stay positive and know that I and God love you for who you are .

XOXO Chloe

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