Friday, November 1, 2013

Missing the Beat

Boom boom boom. It's all happening. It feels as if everyone I know is boarding the relationship train while I am here living in a shack in Singlesville (where National Singles Day is everyday!). 
Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I'm missing the beat. 
No person who is single likes to talk about why they are single. There are some things that single people need to know though: There is nothing wrong with you. It's starts by looking up rather than looking around.
Before you think I'm crazy, lemme esplain. Looking around for a relationship for the wrong intention is dangerous, not only to you but to the other person as well. Looking around for a relationship just because everyone else is in a relationship (classic high school move) is plain crazy but it happens. Some go too far into this direction and not only miss the beat but create a whole other chromatic dilemma. 

I've had my experiences with relationships and I got to say, I've missed the beat completely on them. I was looking around rather than up. Look up to God instead. You're breathing for a reason. You're living for a purpose. God created relationships for good, not to use or borrow. 

If you're interested in someone, hey that's awesome. It's normal to develop feelings. What isn't normal is how we abuse them. I've seen way too many friends destroyed from abusing relationships.

God never intended for man to be alone, so there's always hope. Even Singlesville has sunshine during the day, with occasional cast of depressionisticdespairwithsomeforeveralone. 
Nobody is perfect and what they seem to be but that's the beauty of forming a relationship, whether that be as friendship or more. So give it time. Time is essential to everything in life. Time is rhythmic. And if you miss the right moment, you end up missing the beat. 

Your truly,
Gina Candy

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